Monday 12 September 2011

BETA TIPS: Brewing Potions...EXTENDED

*SPOILER ALERT! This post contains images and information about my experience in Pottermore. So, if you don't want to know anything because you want to experience it all yourself, then now is the time to STOP READING THIS.
Still reading? Then I guess you don't mind, and so, feel free to read and enjoy! ^_^

I've already made my first batch of tips on brewing potions, but I realized that I also have a few tips on how to do the steps specifically. So here are some of my extended tips:

8. One tricky part I found was in POURING the ingredients into the mortar or cauldron, which is the case for the following:

Most of the time, my mistake is that I pour in too much of the ingredients. And so, after much trial and error (I've hit the BACK button so many times), I've found it helpful to wait for the ingredient count to register before continuing to pour in some more. So wait for the count at the side of the mortar or cauldron before continuing to put in some more ingredients.
And again, if you put in TOO MUCH, just hit the BACK button. 

9. Another problem I had the first time I brewed a difficult potion, was the step to HEAT the potion GENTLY. The first mistake I made was to heat it TOO MUCH. Once I made this mistake, I couldn't do anything anymore since you CAN'T COOL DOWN the cauldron once it has OVERHEATED. Another mistake I made was to HEAT IT TO GREEN then leave the heat on until it OVERHEATS again. 
Now after trial and error AGAIN, I realized that the BEST WAY to heat the cauldron gently, is by ALTERNATING between the MEDIUM HEAT and NO HEAT AT ALL. So once your potion turns GREEN, you can alternate between the two so that the potion STAYS GREEN and within the marker of the cauldron's temperature. 

So, that's all for now. Hope I was helpful to you! ^_^

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